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Aaron Sheltrown


The founder and CEO of X Element Lifestyle - Sports - Media company.

X Element currently has Esports teams and a paintball team 

with a team combined over 300K followers and subscribers. I'm currently

studying at Full Sail University for Business and Esports Management.

born and raised in the Midwest, served in the U.S. Army National Guard.

You can also learn more about me in the video below.

All About Me

Over the past three years, X Element has been my exclusive focus. My objective is to establish a space where anyone aspiring to pursue a career in sports can be assessed and put to the test. A key goal is to bring diversity into the realm of sports.

My pursuit of a dream in esports was temporarily halted in my youth due to the lack of affirmation and guidance. After working various jobs over 15 years, I eventually circled back and realized my heart belonged to competitive sports.

During this time, I wore many hats, ranging from roofing to managing a farm for a decade and serving in the United States National Guard as an MOS 11B infantry. Out of all my experiences, joining Full Sail University to further my education in business, game, and esports management is the one decision I will never regret.

X Element's future looks promising, and as I balance full-time work with studies at Full Sail University, many nights are spent burning the midnight oil on X Element. Whether working with new recruits or securing sponsorships, I give my full commitment. Everything I do at X Element serves as an example of what is possible when I put my mind to it.

Brandon Lenners Staff Sargent U.S. Army National Guard

"Donald was one of the hardest working soldiers I ever had under me whenever there was a detail that needed to be done he was the first to volunteer no matter how shitty it was."
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